Garage Door Springs Repair and replacement in Winnipeg MB

Garage doors are heavy, which is why they need a powerful spring mechanism to open and close them.  If your garage door weighs 150 lb, the springs are required to generate a force strong enough to overcome that 150 lb to raise the door. Lesser, but adequate forces are in play when the springs slowly lower the door to the ground. If you have a double overhead garage door, then the weight and the power/torque involved rises exponentially.

To put it another way, the springs that help your overhead door function are powerful metal coils under constant, intense tension and have the potential to be very dangerous indeed. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of overhead door springs– torsion, and extension springs.

Different Types Of Garage door springs

There are several types of garage door springs: torsion springs and extension springs. There are also torquemaster springs, but they are very similar to torsion springs, so we won’t consider them a separate system. The springs are used as a part of a counterbalance mechanism that assists the garage door opening and closing with relative ease. There are differences between the counterbalance garage door systems. The mechanism that involves torsion springs also involves shaft, drums, cables, and bearing brackets.

Torsion Springs

Torsion springs provide the twisting force, known as torque(IPPT). This force is transmitted via a shaft to cable drums on both sides of the garage door. When it reaches the drums the force is converted from a rotational to a linear force, where it creates tension in the cables. It is this tension that makes it possible for just about anyone to lift a heavy garage door up and over their head, with a minimal of effort.

The spring, or springs, shaft, and drums working together form an assembly referred to as a counterbalance. It is the job of this counterbalance to counteract the force of gravity pulling on your garage door. As the door is pushed up, the torsion springs begin to unwind, and are fully unwound when the door is completely open. The rational behind it is the torque required to close the door is far less than the torque required to open it: when the door is lowered the springs rewind to their maximum tension.

A torsion spring system can raise garage doors up to about two pounds in weight, making it suitable for single or double doors. The lifespan of A standard torsion springs(10k Cycles)is between three and seven years, depending on how often the door is operated.

Extension Springs

This type of garage door spring is mounted on either side of the door. They do the same job as torsion springs but instead of a shaft they operate via a system of pulleys. When the garage door is closed, the extension springs are stretched, i.e. extended, and are put under a lot of tension. This tension makes it easier to raise the door. When the door is open, the extension springs close up and the coils become tight.

Extension springs are generally not as robust as torsion springs, so they won’t last as long. They’re also not as powerful and are only really suitable for doors of around seventy-five kilograms or less. This means they can only be installed on single garage doors. In addition they when they break they are very dangerous and must have a safety device linking the two ends of the spring.

Oil tempered springs VS Galvanized springs?

Springs are made from steel wire that is being wound to form the spring. The wire can be tempered with oil to make it strong and flexible. The process involves heating up the steel wire and cooling it down by dipping it into the oil. Indeed, this process produces very durable and quiet springs that often do not require adjustment to serve their purpose well. The disadvantages of oil tempered spring are that there are prone to rust and have an oily feeling upon touch. On the other hand, galvanized springs are being dipped into liquid zinc, which creates a zinc layer on the steel wire, which makes it rust-resistant. The advantages of the galvanized springs are rust resistance and aesthetics. The disadvantages are that they are less durable and require adjustments, the springs are noisier than the oil tempered ones, and tend to be more expensive.

The size of the springs:

Spring comes in different sizes, and it is essential that the spring\s installed will be appropriate for your door. Different springs have different inside diameters, different coiled lengths, and different wire diameters. It will be very helpful if you will know the weight and the parameters of your garage door.

How to measure wire diameter, spring length, and inside diameter?

Wire diameter can be measured with pliers or with a spring wire gauge, a special device that can help you measure wire diameter. You can also measure the length of10-20 coils and then divide it by the number of spring coils to estimate the spring diameter.

To measure the length of the spring, you will need to measure the unwound spring. If the spring is broken, you can count the number of coils and multiply by the wire size.

The inside diameter (ID) can be measured on the inside of the spring, and if you cannot do that, you can measure the outside diameter and subtract the wire diameter twice.

A colour-code is also used to assist in identifying the wire diameter of the spring.

The most common colours used:

Orange 0.192

Yellow 0.207

White 0.2187

Red 0.2253

Brown 0.234

Green 0.2437

Gold 0.250

Blue 0.2625

What is IPPT?

The abbreviation IPPT stands for Inch Pounds Per Turn, and it is a chart that can help you choose the right spring\springs for your door.

In order to lift your garage door’s weight, the springs must have a certain IPPT. The IPPT number is being assigned to the spring according to wire size, inside diameter, and spring length.

Some counterbalance systems require two torsion springs, and some require just one. When replacing a broken torsion spring that is a part of a two-torsion spring system, it is a good idea to replace both garage door springs since the old spring can suddenly break. Replacing both torsion springs at once can prevent future inconvenience and potential damage to your garage door, which you may need to replace if the door collapses, not mentioning the potential danger and damage to the property that kind of situation can cause.

Winding direction:

There are right-hand and left-hand coiled springs. The torque is being created by the spring being coiled. The spring must be installed correctly so that it will turn in the proper direction in order to create the torque force. In standard doors, the right-hand wound spring is installed on the left side of the garage door, and the left-hand wound spring on the right. The manufacturers will often colour-code the springs black if they go on the right side of the door and red if they go on the left.

It is advised to consult an experienced garage door technician before you order your new springs. The installation of torsion springs must be performed by a professional only since the springs are under great tension. Handling torsion springs without the right knowledge and experience can be very dangerous. The danger you will be exposing yourself to outweighs the potential benefits and savings of trying to replace torsion springs on your own. Please take your safety seriously.

Spring Replacement and Maintenance

The springs on your overhead garage door will need to be replaced from time to time, but regular maintenance will prolong the inevitable. Try and keep your springs clean of dust and dirt, and apply lubrication every few weeks. Alternatively, you can sign up for our regular garage door maintenance schedule, and we’ll take care of the springs and all the other components on your door too.

Don’t try to replace garage door torsion springs yourself. Due to the enormous forces we’ve already mentioned, this can be a dangerous job. Our technicians at Titan are specially trained to handle springs the right way. So why risk causing damage or injury?

Other garage door parts that are an essential part of the counterbalance system:

The other components of the counterbalance mechanism are not less important for the garage door’s correct functioning.

Torsion Shaft

The torsion springs are attached to the torsion shaft, a metal rod installed above the garage door’s top end. The torque is being delivered equally to each end of the shaft. For lighter doors, tubular shafts are being used, and solid ones for heavier doors.

End Bearing Plates

The bearing plates also referred to as head plates, support the shaft at both ends. The bearing plates ensure that the shaft rotates freely. They also direct the shaft away from the jambs. The cable drums will be strained to the bearing plates.

Center Bearing Brackets

The bearing brackets are used for the support and the alignment of the shaft. They are typically installed in the center and other locations along the shaft. The brackets also help to prevent the shaft from wearing off prematurely. Different brackets will have different designs to support different shafts.

Shaft Bearings

The bearings assist in reducing the friction during the shaft rotation. They are installed in several locations along the length of the shaft. They are different shapes of bearings to accommodate different shafts and door sizes.

Torquemaster springs:

The torquemaster springs are part of a counterbalance system that is called the Wayne-Dalton door. This system is a lot similar to the torsion spring system. The main difference between the two is that torquemaster springs are often smaller diameter springs with smaller wire sizes, and the springs are enclosed into a metal tube. Torquemaster springs are more wounded than torsion springs, and usually, it decreases their lifespan. The tube is supposed to protect the springs from rust and dirt, but its disadvantage is that the springs are no longer visible and not as easy to inspect.

Like the torsion spring system, the torquemaster will have systems with one spring (always on the right side of the door) for lighter doors and two spring systems for heavier doors.

Because the springs are not visible, you must know your door’s weight to order new torquemaster springs.

The only way to estimate what conditions the springs are in is to test how balanced the door is.

How to check if your door is balanced?

Checking how balanced your garage door regularly is a good routine that will help you keep your door in good shape.

In order to test your door’s balance, you will need to disconnect the garage door from the opener, pull it down and lift it up while inspecting its movement. A balanced garage door will move along the tracks smoothly, won’t feel heavy and will stay in a half-closed position without sliding down.

Garage Door Extension Springs

The extension springs are used as part of the garage door counterbalance mechanism. In contrast to the system that involves torsion springs, this counterbalance system does not require a shaft, bearing brackets, and cable drums. For this reason, this system type requires less space and has a simpler installation process.

The extension spring is attached to the door directly and to the track. The restraint cable is used to make this system safer by containing the extension spring in case of its sudden breakage.

This counterbalance mechanism utilized pull force instead of torque. It is crucial to choose a spring that stretches to a sufficient length to provide enough force to pull the weight of your door. There are different kinds of extension springs, and consulting an experienced garage door technician is necessary. 

The extension springs are often colour-coded by the manufacturer to indicate the lifting power of the springs.

The most common colours used in extension springs:

Green 120 lb

Yellow 130 lb

Blue 140 lb

Red 150 lb

What is the best spring setup?

Torsion springs are very common; thus, torsion springs available for any door size and weight. Those springs are durable, and you can choose oil-tempered springs or galvanized springs according to your needs. The availability and variety of torsion springs are a big plus in their favour.

The extension springs system is relatively easy to install, and it is low maintenance, but it only works well for smaller and lighter doors.

Torquemaster has most of the same advantages as the torsion spring system, except their springs are less durable because they are made from a thinner wire and are more wound up, and it makes them break sooner than torsion springs. The springs are enclosed into a tube, and it is impossible to inspect them visually.

Titan Garage Doors, Winnipeg, Can Help

Titan has the experience and the equipment to do the job right, the first time. Call us for a no-obligation quotation today.

 You have nothing to lose. Our same day service is renowned across the province. We also offer a 24/7 emergency service. You never know when your garage doors will give up, so keep our number handy.

Call us today on 204-400-2127 should you wish to speak with one of our experts.

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